Q&A, Oct 2013


Q&A: I took the time to answer some questions tonight. These were the stuff emailed to darlene.ysabel@gmail.com.


@DannieBanez from Zamboanga, Philippines:
Where do you get your drive to do the things you’re doing?

For the most part, I get tired of mediocrity and problems (in and outside of my personal life) that never get solved.  It basically drives me to get tired of waiting so I decide to just do it myself. I wanted to see certain change in my life, my family, my industry or my country and knew I could do it myself. It drives me to get up and work really hard to make things happen.  If I don’t step up and actually do something, it’s possible things will never change. That bores me.


@annihilati0n from Manila:
How do you keep the inspiration and motivation in you alive, despite difficult times?

I inspire myself with things bigger than myself.  Whenever things get tough, it’s easier for me to leave my personal ego or insecurity at the door. I sort of become selfless.  Let me put it this way, 2013 was probably the 2nd most difficult time of my life. Difficulties came this year and I viewed things in a technical way instead of the emotional way. How it’s all part of some big exam or game where things are just technical, no emotions or insecurities, only mechanical obstacles necessary to move forward. I also make sure I’m motivated by the right things that are best for everybody. That way, I get to keep the inspiration alive by being excited about the bigger picture, instead of childlike/selfish excitement for the future. I get to move forward since the big picture goes beyond personal insecurities.


@exoeiraed, Zae from Singapore:
How can a graduate (be it university or poly) work their way to be a successful entrepreneur?

You can opt to get a job for two or three years. This is to gain discipline and enough funds necessary to start a business. Once you have learned all that you can, met the right people, gained enough experience, made your mistakes… you can observe problems in that industry and you can come up with a necessary business you think is missing in that industry.


How would one decide which career paths to follow?

It has to be something you deeply believe in.  On a lighter note, it’s connected to whatever it is you can still enjoy, even when your body’s dead tired.  You know how people talk about passion, doing what you love, hobby, etc? That stuff is true. We would normally be willing to put up with whatever laziness or obstacle if the experience is still enjoyable in some way. It has to have that element. If you’re uncertain of what you enjoy or if you’re a “Jack Of All Trades” like myself, you need to try everything and eventually one will stand out. There are also people who only find out which career to take only when they’re doing something they don’t like. Ultimately, it’s a process of tuning in to yourself and taking that extra effort to know yourself faster.  That’s how you decide.


How do I know which college to apply for to position myself for a higher chance at a successful career or to be able to work in a preferred field?

Choosing college is similar to choosing your career. It starts there already. You need to decide which you enjoy the most. If you still don’t know, choose a business course and create a business out of your passion someday. You can get into any field. Arts, fashion, technology, music, film, sports, medical, books or philanthropy. Whatever you end up liking the most after college. It’s flexible, all of those could have some sort of a business aspect to it. Sometimes not directly related but you can cook something up and generate profit. Everything is a business nowadays. That’s partly why I chose business. I decided I wanted to have businesses in all industries someday since I enjoyed everything.


What are some tips to motivate yourself when things go wrong, for example a series of complaints from customers, supplier scams or generally losing revenue?

Understand how worrying is a waste of time and energy, that’s my first tip. I’m not a regret kind of person. I don’t look back too much, I like doing my best in the present while excited about the future. That’s how I motivate myself: the future. Even when it feels like it isn’t coming, I know anything is possible.  Provided I learn my past mistakes, milk the present for all it’s worth and do better than I’ve ever done. There are times I move on from a terrible situation in a heartbeat. Although I decide I can grieve a little, learn my mistakes, but that’s only to process my emotions and prevent myself from growing cold like a robot. Haha. All that should be done in a few hours, the next day I should do better and make up for lost time.  I take things “technically” and motivate myself by knowing I have luck in my side since the intentions behind my achievements are for everybody else and almost not at all for me. Though sometimes I joke around and say: the worse it gets, the better the storyline my movie can be. I crave a good challenge.


Where could I seek help to start my own business?

That depends. Usually family or relatives. Work under people you’re familiar with. They know you best. When they know you’re ready, they can probably connect you to the right people. Be ready for times you won’t have anybody but your intuition and common sense.


How do you know if it is a winning idea that will sell before plunging in straight to starting business?

Great question. From a personal standpoint, I know it’s a win when it’s beneficial to others, an idea so compelling that you can’t even fall asleep since it could help or enrich so many lives, you just want tell the whole world about it. The kind that you know in your heart, someday, someone else will come up with it and so you have to do it before the other person does. A no-brainer. Innovation is obvious sometimes. A solution or demand so obvious you know the whole world waits for it but people just haven’t gotten around to it. Ideas like that. So yeah, it also has to have the potential to go global. It has to go beyond your community and comfort zone for it to be profitable and even intriguing enough to create buzz.

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